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Welcome to Our Kindergarten Program

Our kindergarten program is academically challenging but leaves room for one-on-one attention and differentiated-learning practices. This exceptional program provides students with the following: a state-of-the-art reading program, various educational classes, weekly chapel program, gym, computers, music and art, musical and drama performances, literature week, math week, science and social studies fairs, student services and tutoring, and extended care opportunities. During your child’s time in our kindergarten program, we will identify their academic and behavioral needs and implement plans for active change and assistance where possible, all while supporting our students’ parents by serving as educational advocates for their children.

little boy practicing alphabet

An Overview of our Program

  • Students age 5 by October 31st may test into our program
  • Low student/teacher ratio
  • Full Day schedule
  • Biblical focus
  • Emphasis on academic foundation
  • Strong character development

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A Typical Day at Our Kindergarten Program

little girl reading

Apply for Our Kindergarten Program Today!

The kindergarten program at Mount Hope Christian School is dedicated to serving students and their parents’ needs. Our kindergarten teachers believe in creating a healthy and nurturing community and see it as an essential aspect of creating a positive environment for all students. To learn more about our kindergarten program, or to learn more about our school and staff, call or visit us today!

Enroll Your Child Today